Safety forms the basis of all sound decisions and actions at ARK MARINE SERVICE INC.
This Safety Policy outlines the course of action to ensure the health, safety and welfare of our employees, visitors, suppliers and customers.
The key principles underpinning our Safety Policy are:
Individual acceptance of personal accountability and responsibility for safe behaviour
Managers demonstrating leadership and commitment to safety
Ensuring a healthy and safe work environment
Complying with legal requirements and procedures related to safety
Continual monitoring and reporting of all agreed safety objectives
Recognition of individuals who demonstrate excellence or innovation in safety
We maintain and continually improve our Integrated Management System to comply with ISO 45001.
Our health and safety objectives are to:
Provide and maintain safe equipment, materials, premises and methods of work.
Provide instruction, training and supervision to ensure safe working practices
Maintain a risk management methodology that incorporates hazard identification, risk assessment, and control of tasks.
Strive to continuously reduce injuries in the workplace.
To achieve these objectives, we will:
Ensure high levels of management and staff involvement in achieving stated objectives.
Continuously engage all stakeholders in meaningful consultation and communication.
Measure our performance and use this information for the continual improvement of our services and Integrated Management System.
Our Safety Policy is applicable to our director, all employees and agents and to any person or organisation that represents us, as well as all suppliers in the conduct of their activities for and on our behalf.
This policy expresses the ongoing commitment by ARK MARINE SERVICE INC. management and staff to understand, regularly review and continually implement these actions.